This really does work, but doesn't last long
February 14, 2016
This is the first time I've tried this kind of product, and I have to say I really like it. I follow the instructions......after emptying and cleaning the litter box, cover the bottom with this powder, add the litter, then sprinkle more powder on top. It smells great and really seems to help control odor. The perfume smell is strong, which I don't mind since I find it to be a pleasant smell, and our cat doesn't seem to mind it either. I could see that if one has a sensitive cat or a cat with allergies, this product might be problematic. If you do as the instructions say, it goes pretty quickly so it gets a little pricey. Even so, I just bought another box (not from here this time), and may try mixing it with plain baking soda, which is comparatively inexpensive, to make this stuff last longer and see if it's still as effective.