The best cat toy ever made!
February 12, 2021
Six years ago, we received one as a gift; but my cat loved it so much, he needed more. He is now enjoying three. And, I am enjoying not having my furniture scratched to bits; and seeing him so very happily engaged. This is literally the only item in his life, he does not EVER let me know, is unsatisfactory; whether his mood, or a previously decided schedule. (He does not approve of covered circle tracks, lit or noise-making balls.) This toy is sturdy, multi-functional, and easily moved, stored and cleaned. Also, the (eventually) shredded scratching pads are replaceable. Life in our household would be far less relaxing and happy; were it not for this inimitable cat toy! Many many thanks!
- Exercise, pleasure, portability, durability, and much needed relief for my furniture upholstery. Also, superb pricing.
- Not a single one!!!!!!!!!!!!! Just afraid you will be out of stock, one day.