Zoo Med ReptiSun 5.0 UVB High Output Bulb provides stronger UVB and brighter light - twice as strong as standard ReptiSun 5.0 Lamps! This lamp emits beneficial UVB up to 24" from the surface of the bulb. Glass and plastic filter out UVB and fine mesh blocks up to 50% of light and UVB. This should be taken into consideration when determining lamp distance. 24 Watts; T5 size bulb. Made in Germany.
UVB enables reptiles to maintain healthy levels of calcium and Vitamin D3
Helps prevent or reverse metabolic bone disease commonly seen in captive reptiles
UVA helps increase appetite, activity levels, and induce reproductive behavior
Designed for most reptiles housed in terrariums that are 12" to 24" tall
For use with Zoo Med ReptiSun T5-HO High Output Terrarium Hood (#LF-71)